Delicious Mini Vegan Tacos

MINI VEGAN TACOS filled with plant-based VEGGOFIX MEATY Mince.  For all the times you are in the mood for a tasty snack. 💚

We got the idea for the tiny tacos from Thee Burger Dude and the high protein tofu dipping sauce was made after a recipe of  Vegan de Romania. We switched the cashews for soaked sunflower seeds because we did not have raw cashews on hand and some people suggested that sunflower seeds work as well.

Mini Vegan Tacos
Mini Vegan Tacos

Mini Vegan Tacos with Tofu Cream "Cheese"

recipe for 10-15 servings


16 Tacos or 4 Tortillas:

125 g of all-purpose flour
75 ml of water
1 tbsp of olive oil
1/4 tsp of salt
any herbs you want, like cumin or paprika


200 g VEGGOFIX MEATY Mince mix
250 ml of water
Optional: tomato paste, cumin, chilly powder, pepper, vegan Worcestershire
We kept it simple as VeggoFix Meaty Mince already has enough flavor.

Tofu Cream “Cheese”:

Juice of 1-2 lemons
80 g soaked cashews or sun flower seeds
100 ml unsweetened plant milk (soy milk or just water)
800 g of plain (semi-) firm tofu
30 g nutritional yeast
1 bunch of fresh dill (we put radish leaves and parsley in the green dip)
salt to taste
juice of 1 lemon


  Mix the flour, lukewarm water, salt and olive oil. Knead the dough till everything is well integrated into a firm ball that does not stick to your fingers. If it still sticks after kneading add a small tbsp of extra flour. Let it rest for 10 minutes. This, and the oil inside, will make it easier to roll out. Cut the dough ball into 4 pieces. Powder your work surface with flour or spread a bit of oil out on it to make sure the dough will not stick. Roll the pieces of dough out till they are about the size of a normal tortilla. Do not worry about the shape because you will press or cut out round mini tortillas anyway. If you have a cookie cutter you can press the shape out of the flat dough. If not, just use a bowl or glass that has the size that you need, which is about 3-5 cm or the palm of your hand in diameter. Place the glass upside down on the dough and gently cut along the edge.

Now for the filling. Mix 200g VeggoFix Meaty Mince with  250 ml of water in a large bowl and let it hydrate for 3 minutes or longer. That’s it. You can add tomato paste, cumin, chilly powder, pepper, vegan Worcestershire and and even cinnamon to the mix to make it taste more interesting. The mince taste good by itself, but you can add what you want. Do not add to much fluids though. You do not want the filling to seep out of the tacos while you are frying them.

It is time to fill the mini vegan tacos. Take a tbsp of mince, make a little flat shape from the mince and place it on one half of a mini tortilla. Now close the tortilla to make a taco. If you cannot make a flat shape from the mince at this moment you likely added too much liquid to the mince. Add some dry condiments to compensate or just scoop the mince straight on the mini tortillas and see where it goes. (not recommended)

Once you have filled and folded all the vegan mini tacos fry them for about 3 minutes per side on a flat pan. The more frying oil you used the browner the tacos will get, but you can also just roast them with almost no oil whatsoever. They will still taste good, just different. 

  While the mini tacos are frying or roasting you can make the tofu cream “cheese”. The only complicated part of this recipe is that you will have to soak or boil the cashews or sunflower seeds beforehand. You can soak these nut/seeds in the blender with the plant milk or you can soak them in water and afterwards throw away the water.

Blend the cashews (or sunflower seeds) with the plant milk until smooth and than just add all the other ingredients and blend them also till smooth. You can add the dill later if you want to see it in the cream “cheese”.

Now just dip, take a bite and enjoy a movie or a sports game.

Was that easy enough? This tasty mini vegan tacos are worth the effort. 

Watch the video recipe! 

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Product in this recipe

VeggoFix Mince macronutrients

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